Frequently Asked Questions

Question and Answer graphic with red dice

Q. What does TekCeptional Solutions do?
A. I am launching TekCeptional Solutions to help others improve their ventures by leveraging technology and the Internet to facilitate growth. I help others establish a brand in their area of expertise and help them become more visible and interesting to their ideal customers, clients, or audience. This includes, but is not limited to website design and maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), conversion rate optimization, Internet marketing, and consulting on various technologies.

Q. How long have you been in business?
A. TekCeptional Solutions is a new business that was recently launched in an official capacity. While the business entity is new, I have worked as a freelancer, on a part-time basis, to help people leverage the Internet and other technologies to meet their goals.

Q. Where are you located and were you always in the same location?
A. TekCeptional Solutions will be a home-based business located in Guilderland. I have been a resident of Guilderland for 3 1/2 years.

Q. How and why did you get into the business?
A. I started to get into web design, search engine optimization, and other aspects of Internet marketing with my own personal projects. I found that I really enjoyed engaging in the various activities involved and watching the things I built grow and expand. It’s pretty amazing to develop a strategy, implement it, and then see it materialize into verifiable results. It’s also very exciting to see your pages move up in the search engines results, while also receiving email notifications informing you of a “Like” on Facebook or several new followers on Twitter.

Q. What is SEO?
A. Search engine optimization is the art of tweaking a web presence (website, videos, images, etc.) so it ranks highly for relevance in search results. If done well, the web presence will be rewarded with higher rankings in the search results. Higher rankings lead to more traffic, which hopefully leads to more conversions.

Q. What is Internet marketing?
A. Internet marketing is collection of strategies used to increase visibility, generate leads, and ultimately improve conversion. The key is to develop and use a strategy that is the right fit for the individual or business and carry it out consistently over time. For example, some people think that it is important to be out there as much as possible. They will try to join every social network they can find, and dabble in many Internet marketing techniques. It is better to focus on a few strategies that are appropriate for the situation and do them well. From there, the strategy can be tweaked as necessary for the best possible outcomes.

Q. Are there any ethical concerns that your type of business must deal with?
A. As with any service, there is always the possibility for deception and opportunities to cut corners when engaging in Internet marketing. Things like spam, copyright infringement, and hidden links can be detrimental to the client’s business and are often illegal. Other issues arise with what is known as “Black Hat” SEO tactics. This is an attempt to trick the search engine logarithms or otherwise game the system. This can be effective; however, the risks are very high and may result in a website that is completely removed from the search engine’s results. This can be irreversible. Using Internet marketing tactics that foster long-term growth and sustainability by creating something of value and being recognized for it as a better business decision. At TekCeptional Solutions, I will never take shortcuts and put your web presence in danger of being penalized by Google or other search engines.

Q. How do you overcome these ethical problems?
A. I keep current on trends within the industry and work to educate my clients on the processes involved. This includes ensuring they understand that, just like in other aspects of business, sustainable growth takes time and effort. Shortcuts and fast results are often disastrous in the long term. Internet marketing isn’t any different. I want to help people build something they can be proud of.

Q. Can you describe your ideal client?
A. My ideal client is a small business owner that is passionate about growing their business and wants to take their web presence to the next level. They want to build a positive brand and market it via the Internet and other technologies to create a lasting and useful portal to their goods, services, clientele, or audience.

Q.Why do your customers select you over your competitors?
A. When delivering my solutions to improve a client’s web presence, I aim to work closely with the client to build a strategy that fits their needs and helps them to accomplish their goals. With this I want to educate them on the processes involved and work to provide a high level of value so the relationship provides a win-win experience for both of us.

Q. What do you want the community to know about you?
A. I am excited to become an integral part of the community and want to TekCeptional Solutions into a business that works with other community members to make Guilderland an exemplary place to work and live.

TekCeptional Solutions Logo - Albany and Guilderland NY